about The Body Bungalow by Jill

The Body Bungalow by Jill Helman is your favorite place for sugaring, facials and body treatments. Booking a session at The Body Bungalow by Jill Helman is a simple, natural way to be good to yourself. Indulge yourself in the many treatments that are results orientate in a space that will allow you to feel your best. My mission is to help you look and feel like your most beautiful, natural, and confident self. I want to help make your routine easy and effortless. My products, services, and space will make you look and feel your very best. Book your service now; I can’t wait to see your beautiful face!


About Jill

The Body Bungalow by Jill Helman was founded in the spring of 2018 by sugaring specialist and esthetician, Jill. Jill brings over 20 years professional experience and passion to the table. Her interest in skincare began at an early age and has propelled her towards her dream of pursuing a career in beauty and skincare. Jill created The Body Bungalow as a way for her to share her knowledge and skincare practices with the world. Her goal is to create a safe space that will allow her to partner with clients as they set out to achieve their beauty and skincare goals. Jill’s expertise, drive and wholehearted approach shine through in the way she treats her clients and work.


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inhale. exhale.
