
What is Microchanneling?

Microchanneling is an incredibly effective and non-invasive skincare technique that uses fine needles to puncture the outer layer of your skin, creating tiny micro-injuries - or microchannels - that trigger your body’s natural healing process. This natural process jumpstarts the production of collagen and elastin, revealing youthful, regenerated skin. 

It’s a lot like what happens after a good workout! Ever leave your favorite pilates class feeling energized and fit, only to wake up the next morning with jelly legs? When you push yourself during a workout, you cause tiny tears in your muscles (cue the excruciating inability to sit down the next day without feeling like your legs caught fire). Your body’s natural healing process is stimulated and repairs the muscle tears by generating new fibers, resulting in tighter, stronger, and more defined muscles.

Microchanneling treatments trigger similar natural healing processes, resulting in skin that both looks and feels younger! To help accelerate and enhance this natural process, ProCell Serum will be applied to the freshly created channels in your skin. This serum has been clinically proven to increase collagen and elastin production and can help accelerate the recovery process. 

What are the benefits of Microchanneling treatments?

  • Immediate improvement of skin tone, texture, and firmness

  • Elimination or reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Improved appearance of scar tissue

  • Reduced appearance of stretch marks

  • Shown to reduce enlarged pores

  • Can correct hyperpigmentation and rosacea

  • Brightens dull-looking skin

  • Thickens and tightens skin to improve elasticity

How many Microchanneling treatments will I need?

The number of treatments needed to achieve consistent, lasting results will vary from person to person. For mild anti-aging solutions, you may see results with just 1 - 2 treatments. For a dramatic improvement in your appearance or for deeper wrinkles or scarring, we suggest 4 - 6 treatments over a period of 4 - 6 months. 

How soon will I see results and how long will they last?

Again, this can vary from client to client. The production of new collagen can take several weeks, however, it is common to see improvement in the quality and appearance of your skin within the first 24 hours. 

The results you get from our ProCell Microchannel treatments can last anywhere from 2 years to 10 depending on your age and lifestyle.

Does Microchanneling hurt?

Microchanneling causes minimal physical discomfort. Most of our clients successfully complete the treatment without numbing creams and don’t experience any noticeable pain. Post-procedure you may observe a “tight” feeling in your skin.

What is the recovery time for Microchanneling treatments?

Our Microchanneling treatments are non-invasive and require little to no downtime. The treated areas of your skin may feel light sensitivity and appear red for the first 24 - 48 hours; however, after 6 hours you can safely apply high-quality mineral makeup to conceal the redness.

We recommend you refrain from washing your face for at least 6 hours after your treatment, after which you can use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer. We also suggest avoiding direct sunlight and exfoliation for at least 7 days

You may also want to abstain from swimming and vigorous exercise for 72 hours following your appointment.

Are microchanneling treatments safe?

When performed by professional, trained skin care professionals, Microchanneling is absolutely safe, and side effects are very rare. This innovative treatment stimulates your body’s natural healing processes, just like your muscles after the gym! 

While Microchanneling is safe and effective for most people, contraindications include the following:

  • Certain skin diseases, such as eczema or psoriasis

  • Cardiac abnormalities

  • Pregnancy

  • Bacterial, viral, or fungal infection

  • Recent radiation therapy 

  • Open wounds

  • Keloid scars

  • Anyone who is immunosuppressed

  • Diabetes, hemophilia, bleeding disorders

Microchanneling vs. Microneedling  

You might be wondering, what’s the difference between Microchanneling and Microneedling? Both treatments fall under the general “skin needling” category of skincare and trigger the same natural healing processes. However, there is a significant difference in how the treatment is administered. 

Microneedling typically uses a roller or handheld wand that “glides” across the skin. While this method can be effective, the tools often drag across the skin and create unnecessary and unwanted microtears causing injury, discomfort, and longer recovery times. 

Microchanneling is the innovative next generation of needling treatments. Practitioners use a precise vertical stamp-like technique that does not cause tearing or additional trauma to the skin, diminishing discomfort and accelerating recovery time.

Ready to completely transform your skin with our innovative, fast-acting, and highly effective Microchanneling treatments? Book your treatment today!