Microcurrent Body Sculpting

(60 min) $2500 - Package of 10 treatments. two times per week for 5 weeks

Ever feel like no matter how much you exercise or how healthy your diet is, you just can’t get rid of those ripply fat deposits and lumpy body contours? Do you wish you could shrink fat cells, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and tone your muscles without having to spend hours in the gym? Well, now you can!

Our highly effective microcurrent body sculpting treatments kickstart your body’s natural regenerative process, resulting in a tightened, toned, and rejuvenated appearance! Just like a routine exercise program, microcurrent body treatments increase blood flow in the treated area and promote lymphatic drainage, which removes toxins from the body and aids in fat metabolism.

After just one treatment you will see immediate results. Your skin and body will feel naturally energized, smoother, and firmer. Take a look at the incredible results our clients are getting from microcurrent body sculpting treatments!


What is microcurrent?

Before and after of patient's stomach after receiving microcurrent body sculpting

Before and after images of Cherie Callahan of Skin Revision Technologies

As we age, our muscles start to atrophy, giving the appearance of thin, saggy skin. Microcurrent body sculpting treatments correct this by sending low-level doses of electricity into the skin which stimulate and tighten muscles, resulting in lifted, tighter skin, reduced appearance of cellulite, and an overall smoother, more defined appearance. It’s like working with a personal trainer, only without all the work!

Microcurrent treatments also stimulate lymphatic drainage and collagen, reducing puffiness and improving your skin’s radiance and overall tone. The pulses of electricity encourage the production of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) – an energy-carrying molecule that assists in the production of structural proteins like collagen and elastin – helping to regenerate cells.

Is microcurrent safe?

Microcurrent technology has been around for decades. Originally used in the medical field to treat Bell’s Palsy and facial paralysis, microcurrent treatments have been used safely in the beauty industry for over 20 years.

Unlike neurotoxins, like Botox, microcurrent treatments won’t stop your muscles from moving. Instead, they improve their quality and tone, for a natural, non-invasive, pain-free lift that requires no recovery time!

While microcurrent body sculpting treatments are safe for most people, there are a few exceptions. People with heart issues, especially those with a pacemaker, are advised to avoid this type of treatment. It is also not recommended for anyone with metal implants or open sores – like severe acne. Pregnant and nursing women are also cautioned against it.


How many treatments do I need?

For the best, longest-lasting results, we recommend 10 treatments to begin - 2 treatments a week for 5 weeks - followed by a maintenance treatment once a month.